Our Objectives
01. To ensure that a thorough Management Program is adopted to
Every possibility of
Unsuitable recruits entering all foreign countries.
02. To ensure that the first objective is achieved by giving an "Accuracy Guaranteed" status
  to the Test Reports issued.
03. To ensure that the status of “Accuracy Guaranteed” is assured on the basis of Good
  Laboratory Practices and Total Quality Management of the laboratory.
04. To ensure the Authenticity of the Test Report by having Remote Accessibility
  & Traceability to laboratory database via Internet / Web sites.
05. Proof of accuracy is maintained by our
a. Daily internal QC program (which is already in operation)
b. International QC Program (We are involved with American
  Association of Bio Analysts and Randox International Quality
  Assessment Scheme [RIQAS]) U.K. since……………..
c. Bi weekly internal/external QC program

National QC Program